
Depression: How To Manage Stress And Anxiety?

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Depression is one of the most common mental disorders worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), an average of 850,000 people die from depression each year. Depressive disorder significantly affects about 163 million people (2% of the world’s population) in 2017. This is a severe disorder that has a great impact on mental, physical health, life functions and even pleasure. This article will give some tips that help you effectively manage stress and anxiety.

manage stress

What is depression?

Depression is a common mood disorder leading to a sense of fatigue, demotivation and lack of interest, etc. Depression affects how a person feels, thinks, and behaves, making it difficult for the person to live, or to have physical and mental problems.

Symptoms of depression

Patients may experience all 3 groups of depressive symptoms as follows:

Depressed affect

Suppressed emotions are the most common symptom in patients with depression. Patients often have a sad mood, which manifests as sadness with varying degrees of sadness, disappointment, deep sadness, unexplained sadness, complete loss of interest in things around them. Increased levels of sadness can lead to self-destructive behavior and suicide.

Depressed thinking

In addition to the depressed effect, patients with depression also experience symptoms due to depressed thinking. Initially, there are symptoms such as difficult recollection, slow association, pessimism, constant feeling of unhappiness, shame, and humiliation. There were then many cases that crystallized into paranoia leading to feelings of self-accusation and, ultimately, provoking suicidal behavior.

Depressed activity

When emotions and thinking are depressed, the patient will develop depressed activities. Patients with major depressive disorder often act abnormally, such as: 

Causes of depression

manage stress

These are several factors resulting in depressions:

Psychological trauma – The most common cause of depression

It is a common cause of depression and a variety of other mental disorders. Stress can be caused by factors such as:

However, stress is not the sole cause of depression. Because this condition is a normal response of the body after experiencing events such as natural disasters, the death of a loved one, high-intensity work, many conflicts between husband and wife, etc. So now, stress is considered to be a contributing factor to the outbreak of depression when there are pre-existing factors such as underlying mental disorders, chronic stress, etc.

Using psychoactive substances, addictive substances

Depression can also be caused by alcohol, tobacco, heroin, and ecstasy (Amphetamine) use. These substances affect the central nervous system to create feelings of excitement and euphoria. However, then the nervous system is depressed, leading to a state of depression with manifestations such as lethargy, fatigue, sadness and depression.

Physical disease in the brain

Emotional disorders in general and depression in particular can occur due to physical diseases in the brain (brain tumor, encephalitis, traumatic brain injury, …). Structural damage to the brain can lower stress tolerance. Therefore, even a small impact can cause depression and other common mental disorders.

In this case, determining the cause is essential. Because if correctly identified, the disease can be treated thoroughly, avoiding affecting the patient’s quality of life, reducing the burden on the family and society.

Endogenous causes

Endogenous causes are determined when the above causes have been completely ruled out. They refer to depression that occurs due to dysfunction of neurotransmitters in the brain such as noradrenaline, serotonin, etc.

Unlike other common causes, depression caused by this factor is often severe, patients are easily paranoid and have suicidal ideation and behavior. Depression due to endogenous causes is difficult to treat and has a high recurrence rate.

How to overcome stress?

Communicate with others

Communication is a very important factor to help people with depression reintegrate into life, forget about unhappy things. Temple, church and volunteer community are ideal places to meet many sociable people. 

Get well-qualified sleep

The quality of sleep plays a key role in helping people with depression keep the mind awake and reduce stress. 

Have a healthy diet

Physical health of a person who is suffering from depression should not be ignored. A reasonable diet focusing on foods rich in Omega 3, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants is so important.

Take meditation

Meditation can produce a deep state of relaxation and a tranquil mind, sense of calm, peace and balance that can benefit both your emotional well-being and your overall health. It helps you feel more in love with your body and appreciate all the experiences you get in your life.

Play with pets

Studies have shown that playing with cats and dogs can help improve mental well-being. Pets are usually intelligent animals. Their movements can relieve depressed people’s sadness and hopelessness.

Make an appointment with mental experts

Overcoming depression on your own is nowhere easy. However, having a doctor who has professional expertise allows you to prevent a worse situation and deal with this mental illness in more efficient ways. 

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