
Lung Cancer in Nonsmokers: Causes, Symptoms & Prevention

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Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide. It is commonly associated with smoking. If you’ve never smoked a cigarette before, you might believe you’re safe from getting lung cancer. But, according to some statistics, you’d be wrong. The rate of nonsmokers get this cancer are steadily increasing, especially Asian women

What is Lung Cancer?

Lung cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the lungs. It happens due to the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the lungs. Your lungs are two spongy organs in your chest that take in oxygen when you inhale and release carbon dioxide when you exhale.

It is the third most common cancer in males and females in Singapore respectively. During the five-year period from 2014 – 2018, it is the leading cause of cancer deaths in Singapore which is 26.4% in man and 15.7% in women.

A doctor is checking lungs for an old woman
The rate of nonsmokers get lung cancer are steadily increasing, especially Asian women

Lung cancer symptoms in Nonsmokers

The symptoms are the same for smokers. The signs and symptoms may include:

These symptoms can happen with other illnesses. If you have any of these symptoms, talk to your doctor, who can help find the cause.

What causes Lung Cancer in Nonsmokers?

Here are the top reasons:

 How can I lower the chance of getting it?

Health screening regularly help to detect lung cancer from early stage
Health screening regularly help to detect lung cancer from an early stage

MaNaDr provides you 3 types of health screening package conducted by specialists. Especially, we are offering a discount of up to $120 OFF for each package when you check out with DBS/POSB credit cards

How to pre-order:

Mobile App on Android: https://lnkd.in/eu3ujJ6

Mobile App on iOS: https://lnkd.in/e3eKj5X

MaNaDr, connecting you to the trusted doctors


Reference: CDC USA, Lung Cancer Among People Who Never Smoked

Singapore Cancer Society, Lung cancer



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