
High Blood Pressure: Symptoms, Causes, Prevention, and Monitoring

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High blood pressure is one of the most common conditions among Singaporeans which is 1 in 4 people aged 30 – 69 has it. This condition can cause many dangerous health problems such as heart disease, heart attack, stroke, and most people don’t know they have it until it becomes severe. Let find out and learn what you can do about it.

Hypertension diganosis
High blood pressure is a “silent killer.

What is blood pressure?

Blood pressure is the force exerted by blood against the walls of your arteries. Arteries carry blood from your heart to other parts of your body.

It is an important force because, without it, oxygen and nutrients would not be pushed around our circulatory system to nourish tissues

Normally, it fluctuates slightly throughout the day.

What is high blood pressure?

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is blood pressure that is higher than normal. Normal blood pressure is considered to be between 90/60mmHg and 120/80mmHg

When you have hypertension, it means the pressure against the blood vessel walls in your body is consistently too high.

Persistently hypertension can put you at risk for a variety of serious and potentially fatal health conditions, including heart disease, heart attack, and stroke.


Most people with hypertension have no symptoms and they don’t know they have it unless it’s very severe.

Measuring your blood pressure is the only way to know whether you have hypertension

If your blood pressure is extremely high, you will be in a medical emergency. There may be some symptoms to look out for, such as:

Anybody who experiences these symptoms should see their doctor immediately.

high blood pressure
Measuring your blood pressure is the only way to know whether you have high hypertension


Food, medicine, lifestyle, age, and genetics can cause high blood pressure. Your doctor can assist you in determining what is causing yours. It is commonly caused by the following factors:


There are some ways that can help you lower the chance of getting hypertension:

Eat healthily

The more sodium you consume, the higher your blood pressure. By avoiding high-sodium packaged and processed foods and not adding salt to your meals, you can reduce your total salt intake.

It is also critical to consume low-fat foods, as well as plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Maintain a healthy weight

Obesity or being overweight increases your risk of developing hypertension. Overweight people should try to lose weight, and normal-weight people should avoid gaining any weight.

 Exercise regularly

The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommend that adults should get at least 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise, such as brisk walking or bicycling every week. That works out to about 30 minutes per day, five days a week. Every day, children and adolescents should engage in one hour of physical activity.

Limit alcohol

Excessive alcohol consumption is bad for your health. Men should limit themselves to no more than two alcoholic drinks per day, while women should limit themselves to no more than one alcoholic drink per day.

Not smoking

Cigarette smoking raises hypertension and increases your risk of heart attack and stroke. Don’t start smoking if you don’t already. If you do smoke, speak with your health care provider about the best way for you to quit.

OMROM with MaNaDr app, the best way to monitor your blood pressure


Whether you have been diagnosed with hypertension or you want to keep track of your health, a blood pressure monitor is a must-have at home for keeping your numbers under control.

OMRON, one of the world’s leading blood pressure monitor manufacturers. It has a large range of digital monitors that are considered to be some of the most accurate blood pressure machines available.

An OMRON monitor provides simple, reliable, and accurate measurement at the touch of a button.

Blood pressure readings by a trusted doctor.
Remote monitoring of your blood pressure readings by a trusted doctor with MaNaDr

Why should connect your OMRON blood pressure monitor to MaNaDr app

MaNaDr is an official distributor of OMRON blood pressure monitors. You can connect it to MaNaDr app and choose your trusted doctor to monitor your health.

For S$214, you will be entitled to 3 months of subscription packages which is a Hypertension Management Program with the following benefits:

Download ManaDr for patients at:

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