
Wisdom Teeth Removal: Why It Should Be Done?

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Wisdom teeth removal is a surgical treatment that involves the extraction of one or more wisdom teeth, which are the four permanent adult teeth positioned at the top and bottom corners of your mouth. This surgery should be done when you have any problems with them.

wisdom teeth removal

What are wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth are the third and final set of molars that most people develop when they are in their late teens or early twenties. The average person has four wisdom teeth at the back of their mouth, two on top and two on the bottom. If healthy and correctly aligned, these teeth can be a significant addition to the mouth, however, they are frequently misaligned and require removal.

Third molars at the rear of the mouth that don’t have enough room to erupt or grow normally are called impacted wisdom teeth.

Effects of impacted wisdom teeth

Harm other teeth

If the wisdom teeth press on the second molar, it may be damaged or the area may get infected. This pressure might also result in the crowding of other teeth, necessitating orthodontic treatment to realign them.


In the jawbone, the wisdom tooth grows in a sac. A cyst can form when the sac fills with fluid, causing damage to the jawbone, teeth, and nerves. A tumor, which is typically noncancerous (benign), rarely forms. This condition may necessitate tissue and bone removal.


Wisdom teeth that are partially impacted appear to have a greater risk of tooth decay (caries) than normal teeth. This is most likely due to the difficulty of cleaning wisdom teeth and the ease with which food and germs can become caught between the gum and a partially erupted tooth.

Gum disease

Gum disease is a condition that affects the teeth and gums The difficulty of cleaning impacted, partially erupted wisdom teeth raises the chance of getting pericoronitis – a painful, inflammatory gum condition.


A bacterial infection frequently causes an abscess, which is a painful accumulation of pus. Food and germs can become stuck around the edges of wisdom teeth which are impacted, resulting in plaque build-up. This leads to a collection of pus in your wisdom teeth or the surrounding tissue.

wisdom teeth removal

Wisdom teeth removal

What is wisdom teeth removal?

Wisdom teeth extraction surgery is usually done as an outpatient treatment by a dentist or oral surgeon. If an examination and X-rays suggest that your wisdom teeth are impacted or may create dental difficulties in the future, your dentist will propose this procedure.

You’ll be given one of the following forms of anesthetic to keep you pain-free during the procedure:

To remove the teeth, your doctor may have to cut your gums or bone. If that’s the case, the wounds will be stitched shut so they can recover rapidly. After a few days, the sutures normally fall out. Gauze pads may be placed in your mouth to absorb some of the blood.

Why it should be done?

Wisdom teeth removal is performed when they are impacted or cause problems such as infection, tooth decay, damage to surrounding teeth, periodontal disease, bone loss, and tooth loss.

Even if you aren’t suffering any symptoms right now, your dentist may recommend wisdom tooth removal surgery to prevent issues from developing. It can be hard to maintain proper dental hygiene since they are in a location that is difficult to clean.

Complications of wisdom teeth removal

The following are two of the most serious side effects of having your wisdom teeth removed:

Notes about wisdom teeth removal

Before the surgery:

Depending on the type of sedative utilized, your surgeon may give different instructions about eating and drinking.

Medications including aspirin, Coumadin (warfarin), and Advil might raise the risk of bleeding disorders (ibuprofen). Before having dental surgery, tell your doctor and dentist if you’re taking these or any other drugs. They’ll tell you if you can keep taking your existing drugs or whether you should stop in order to prepare for surgery.

After the surgery:

For the first 24 hours following surgery, you should:

It might take up to six weeks for the extraction site to heal, although most individuals are able to resume normal activities the same day. To avoid shattering the blood clot, avoid excessive exercise for a week following the procedure.

wisdom teeth removal

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