What To Do If You Are Exposed Or Tested Positive For COVID-19
New streamlined protocols take effect from 11 Oct 2021 by the Ministry of Health Singapore. Let’s get an overview of the changes and find out what you need to do if you are exposed or tested positive for COVID-19.
Protocol 1: For individuals who are feeling unwell
This info is for individuals who
May be experiencing symptoms such as high fever and breathlessness
Immediate actions
Keep calm. There is no need to rush to a hospital emergency department to get tested.
While waiting for your test result, you should immediately return home and self-isolate in a room, preferably with an attached bathroom, until you receive your result.
If your test result is positive, visit here for information on your recovery procedure. You should expect to receive an Isolation Order (IO) SMS within 48 hours of your positive test result on HealthHub. If you do not receive an SMS within 48 hours, please fill in this form.
If your test result is negative, you can resume normal activities.
Protocol 2 – For individuals who are well but tested positive
This information is for individuals who:
Have tested positive but feel physically well.
This includes people with mild symptoms such as low fever, cough, runny nose, or sore throat. (As a rule of thumb, if you would normally not see a doctor for such symptoms, then they should be considered mild.)
Immediate actions
You should immediately stop going to work and cancel your social activities to protect others from possibly being infected with COVID-19.
Stay calm. There is no need to rush to a hospital to get tested. Doing so may expose you to more risk because there may be other infected people there.
You should self-isolate for at least 72 hours. This will allow you to safely recover, monitor your health, and avoid spreading the virus further.
What to expectMonitor your health and follow the steps below.
If you are feeling unwell, including having a high fever or experiencing breathlessness, please refer to protocol 1
What to do in the upcoming days
At the end of 72 hours, you should do a self-administered ART.
If the result is negative, you can resume your normal activities.
If the result is positive, continue to self-isolate.
You can stop self-isolation and resume normal activities when you get a negative result.
Protocol 3 – For close contact with a COVID-positive case
This info is for individuals who:
Have received a Health Risk Warning (HRW) via SMS for 7-day monitoring as they have been identified to be close contacts of a COVID positive case, based on TraceTogether / SafeEntry records, or if they are a household member of a COVID positive case.
You are legally required to take an ART self-test within 24 hours and self-isolate immediately until you test negative.
Submit your result at this link. Only the first ART result needs to be submitted online.
What to expect
Stay home as much as possible. However, if you need to leave your home, you must do an ART self-test once a day before leaving your home during the 7-day HRW period.
If you test ART negative, you can leave your home for essential activities such as work or school. Do minimize unnecessary social interactions. You must still complete the 7-day monitoring period.
If you test ART positive, please refer to protocol 2
You can collect ART kits from a nearby vending machine, and return home immediately. For locations of these vending machines, click here.
The rest of your household not on HRW are free to carry out their normal activities.
If you develop symptoms, go to a Swab and Send Home (SASH) clinic, where the doctor will assess and advise you on your next steps.
When can you be discharged?
Day 7
Do a final ART self-test. You are not required to submit this ART result online.
If you test ART negative, you may resume normal activities.
If you test ART positive, please refer to protocol 2
About us
MaNaDr is one of the Telemedicine Providers under the Home Recovery Programme by MOH, Singapore.
If you feel unwell during your home recovery, do consult our Doctors via the app. All these Teleconsultations are fully supported by MOH, Singapore. Teleconsultation will be conducted via the “MaNadr For Patient” app