(DBS/POSB) Essential Screening Package

(DBS/POSB) Essential Screening Package

S$ 200.00
TaxThe price is inclusive of GST
Product Description

1. Document required: - Identification - NRIC/Work Permit/Passport - Company letter, authorisation letter or staff pass, if any - Lab result, medical report, radiology films from previous health screening, if any 2. Recommended to: - Fast for at least 8 hours before your screening - You can drink plain water during fast - Postpone your screening if feeling unwell - Consume regular chronic medications except for diabetic medications - Urine and stool test should not be done during menstruation or 3 days after last sexual activity 3. Screening Details: - Blood analysis: Fasting Blood Cholesterol, Fasting Blood Glucose, HBA1C, Full Blood Count, ESR, Kidney Function, Liver Function, Bone Disease, Gout Screen, Thyroid Function Test (FT4,TSH), Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Rheumatoid Factor, eGFR - Cardiac screening: CRP, Troponin-I - Stool And Urine Analysis: Urine FEME, Stool Occult Blood, Urine Microalbumin & Creatinine, Ratio - Tumour Markers Screen: Liver - AFP, Colon - CEA, Ovary - CA 125 for female, Prostate - PSA for male, Pancreas - CA 19.9, Stomach – H. Pylori, Nose – EBV EA-IgA, Uterus – beta HCG, Breast – CA 15.3

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